Digital Media / A.I. Consultant

A digital media consultant’s job is to analyze what content you publish, evaluate how effective it is, and guide you to make choices to create the most effective outreach possible, with the highest “bang for the buck.”  A good digital media consultant should be a strategic advisor for content like podcasting, social media, newsletter publishing, and digital marketing strategies that go beyond posting to one or two platforms as the mood strikes you.  

When looking for an effective digital marketing plan, what you might think the best use of your time is to post the most content, on every social media platform and digital outlet…and you’d likely not reach your intended audience.  

What about your message?  Are you certain you’re delivering the right content, to the right person?  Have you created a customer profile to find out where your fans hang out, or better yet, how you can get their attention without yelling at them on Facebook or Instagram?  Maybe they are on Linked In, X, or even Pinterest?  How about traditional marketing, like radio, or even on podcasts?  

A.I. is getting smarter, and use of it should also be as smart.  Some publishers on social media platforms claim you can “publish your book in a weekend” using A.I., but did you know that AI-Generated books cannot be in the Library of Congress, or even sold on Amazon?  If you scan your docs or publications with A.I., in some cases, you might have all your content scraped, and you will not own your words!  

  Do you know how to get the most for your marketing dollar? 

Web 3.0 technologies like Blockchain provide you the proof you need to claim ownership, but do you know how to leverage the tokenization that’s needed to stake your claim?

  Books are the most effective way to establish you as THE expert. Be sure to ask about the “Book in a Day” program!

 Have you considered writing a book? Nothing says “you wrote the book on that” than actually writing the book!


Contact us today for a consultation, and learn what 30 years of digital marketing experience, coupled with blockchain and A.I. strategic consulting can do for your business. 

A digital media consultant’s job is to analyze what content you publish, evaluate how effective it is, and guide you to make choices to create the most effective outreach possible, with the highest “bang for the buck.”  A good digital media consultant should be a strategic advisor for content like podcasting, social media, newsletter publishing, and digital marketing strategies that go beyond posting to one or two platforms as the mood strikes you.  

When looking for an effective digital marketing plan, what you might think the best use of your time is to post the most content, on every social media platform and digital outlet…and you’d likely not reach your intended audience.  

What about your message?  Are you certain you’re delivering the right content, to the right person?  Have you created a customer profile to find out where your fans hang out, or better yet, how you can get their attention without yelling at them on Facebook or Instagram?  Maybe they are on Linked In, X, or even Pinterest?  How about traditional marketing, like radio, or even on podcasts?  

A.I. is getting smarter, and use of it should also be as smart.  Some publishers on social media platforms claim you can “publish your book in a weekend” using A.I., but did you know that AI-Generated books cannot be in the Library of Congress, or even sold on Amazon?  If you scan your docs or publications with A.I., in some cases, you might have all your content scraped, and you will not own your words!  

Web 3.0 technologies like Blockchain provide you the proof you need to claim ownership, but do you know how to leverage the tokenization that’s needed to stake your claim?

Have you considered writing a book?  Books are the most effective way to establish you as THE expert.  Do you know how to get the most for your marketing dollar?  Be sure to ask about the “Book in a Day” program!


Contact us today for a consultation, and learn what 30 years of digital marketing experience, coupled with blockchain and A.I. strategic consulting can do for your business.